Drunken Exquisiteness – v1c5 Part 3

This will be the last part for this chapter. Enjoy!

Part 3

Qingchen smiled to him in gratitude. Feeling blood stain on his clothes, she said: “Did your wound re-open? Let me see. ”

He looked slightly pale under the night, but he did not object. Qingchen looked for the flint and wound medicine, then crouched down and tore down some cloth bandages to re-dress his wound. There is a small fire lit from Ling’s hand. Under the dim light, their breath were so close, she could almost hear his heart beat, one beat then another, calm and firm. Along with these low sounds, her anxious heart slowly calm down. Everything is quiet at this time, the near death situation they experienced seemed so far away. No matter who they are, how dangerous the future path, for them to be able to depend on each other at this time, those dangers do not seem to be such a big problem.

“How do you know this place?” Suddenly, he asked.

Qingchen stopped for while, said without raising her head: “Here……not far from here, outside the peach forest is my master’s tomb.”

He seemed to lower his head, said: “Your master?”

“Yes.” Qingchen only raised her head at this time, then smiled helplessly, “But, I do not know where he came from. I only know that I called him master. He……knew many things, but he never seemed to smile.” She looked to the side to recall, through the light that penetrates into the cave entrance, she looked out, then suddenly said: “I think he is someone who is heart broken.”

Ling looked at her for a while, then simply ‘Nn’ without saying anything further. At the same time, he blew out the light, everything became a piece of darkness. Qingchen put away the medicine bottles preparing to get up, but fell back down. Ling realised her strangeness, reached out to hold her up, said: “What’s wrong?”

Qingchen moved back to lean on the stone wall, feeling her heart was beating abnormaly fast, her breath was stuffy, extremely uncomfortable. This caused her to remember that the owner of this body mentioned that she has“ heart ailment ”. A thought passed through her brain, if she just die because of this ‘heart attack’, maybe the next time she wakes up, everything would return to normal?

Not getting any response from her, Ling raised his hand to check her forehead. Feeling that there was nothing abnormal with her, his brow knitted.

Qingchen opened her eyes in the darkness. Vaguely seeing his face, she felt that the way he looked at her seemed funny, and those pair of eyes seemed to carry a certain magic that can chase away many unnecessary thoughts and calm away the soul. The stuffiness on her chest feel slightly better at this time, she took a deep breath, then said: “No problem, maybe I ran too fast just now, just tired.”

Ling nodded, removed his hand and stood up. He walked towards the entrance, looked around, seeming to be in deep thoughts. After some time, he turned around to say: “If they don’t find anything on the opposite side, they will definitely search here. You stay her and don’t go out. I will divert them, then come back to get you.”

Suddenly hearing him going out by himself to face danger, thinking of the situation before, fear rose in her heart: “No, how can you hide from so many soldiers?”

Ling returned inside the cave: “Two days have passed, Shiyi should be nearby. I have my own way of contacting him. Their target is me. As long as you don’t get out of here, there will not be any danger.”

While Qingchen does not know his identity, but the other party commanded so many people to only search for the two brothers. This means that it must be something important. In addition to that, they do not know if Shiyi will be able to return in time. After some thoughts, she felt that his idea is even more dangerous, said: “Their target is you, then it is even less logical for you to go out. Maybe I can go out and divert them, then you can get away to look for Shiyi. Since they might not want to involve bystanders, even if they caught me, they would not do anything. Even if anything happens to me, I am alone without a tie, I won’t lose anything……”

Ling frowned his brow after hearing this, Qingchen was about to continue, only to hear him say in a low scolding voice: “Nonsense!” She raised her head to see that his eyes were serious and cold.

Qingchen who has never seen such look on him, was startled and could not finish her sentence.

Ling seemed to realise that he might have scared her, soften his gaze, returning to his previous calmness. He kneel down next to her, looking into her eyes saying: “Remember, don’t go out. I will definitely come back.”

Qingchen looked into his eyes, unconsciously nodded under his firm gaze. After some time, the corner of his lips moved up, showing her the first smile since their meeting.

As though the fog that has been dispersed by the wind on the deep lake, white snow on frozen mountain top, bright light reflecting on water surface, the smile quickly disappeared. Ling stood up, walked a few steps, suddenly stopped, slightly turn his head to tell her: “My name is Yetian Ling.”

“Yetian Ling.” Qingchen dazingly see his long silhouette disappear from the messy bush, said in a low voice.

The forest outside was deep, mysterious and a piece of black. After some time, you can seem to hear somewhere far away there were sounds of galloping, suddenly some people roaring, as though there were vicious war, but everything also seems to be just a hallucination.

Qingchen was holding onto the cold rocks, quietly stood waiting inmoving. The dark cave was behind her, quiet without a sound, deeply hiding her anxiousness and worry.

The far horizon has started to show a curtain of light green, the moon setting and the rising, the sky slowly brighten. The birds start their morning chirps. Her surrounding was filled with morning air.

Along with the day becoming brighter, Qingchen started to feel worry, as though a seed that was met with sunlight, naturally grow, awaken and strenghten. As time passes, this feeling starts to feel like a torture. After standing for a long time inside the cave, she finally paced around anxiously. Something suddenly fell off from her chest. They were the medical books that she took before they left. The books were thoroughly soaked with blotches of blurry characters on the papers. A whole room of medical books were destroyed by the fire. Even these few remaining books might not be salvageable. She frowned in frustration, quickly went out of the cave to find a flat big rock to dry the books. Luckily, the book in the middle is only slightly wet, the practice papers that were packed in between the books were saved.

Focusing on drying the books, she had forgotten Yetian Ling’s instruction not to go out.

Time passed, slowly diminishing hopes.

She put away one book that has dried, stood up to look around the mountain. Suddenly, there was a tiny sound of wind next to her ear, followed by pain at the back of her neck. The last thing she saw was the blue sky, the sun shines brightly on the green trees, as though Shiyi’s brilliant smile passed through, then she lost her consciousness.

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2 thoughts on “Drunken Exquisiteness – v1c5 Part 3

  1. Thank you so much! I am very excited to be able to read this story. I almost gave up hope that this story won’t get translated. Thank you again for sharing!


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